The first generation iPhone was awful.
Ok, it wasn’t awful. It was pretty amazing.
Just not as amazing as the current iPhone.
I owned the first gen iPhone. No copy and paste. No landscape view. No real GPS. No lots of things.
Could they have made it better? Yes. Could they have put more features into the first one? Yes.
They could have, but they didn’t.
I don’t have the inside track, but I’m guessing they had some idea if not detailed specs on what would be in the 2nd generation iPhone. They held back. They made improvements.
1st generation. 2nd generation. 3rd generation. 4th generation. 5th generation.
Each time adding more. Each time getting better. Each time selling millions.
Not just to new customers. To existing customers. People like me, who already had one of the previous models.
You see where I’m going with this?
Car makers have been on this path for decades.
Don’t give it all away at once.
Give them what they want now. Add. Improve. Up-sell. Keep it going.
Yes, charge more. But more importantly, give more value.
As a small business, you’re tempted to throw it all out on the table.
Here’s everything I can do. Buy it all. NOW!
What!?! You don’t need all this? DANGIT!
Ok. Stop doing that.
Give them what they need now. Solve the problem. Get results.
But plan for upgrades. Make them want more! Then sell more.
Go be like Apple.